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Updated: May 15, 2023

The first three days of 2023 are already gone, and we are enjoying our last days of recess before getting back to full steam at work.

We are also taking advantage of this recess time to update you on the major Machine Rail steam locomotive projects coming to Train Simulator Classic this year and ahead. We are very thankful and happy to say that we have received a lot of trust from our customers to the point of requesting commissions from us.

Commissions Queue:

Check out below all the accepted commissions that will go into production this year. The production sequence will be as follows, as shown below:

- 1923 Lima • Illinois Central • Mikado Series:

- 1937 Lima • Pere Marquette • N-1 Class:

- 1923 Baldwin • FRISCO Lines • T-54 Class:

This is the production sequence for the MR commissions for 2023. After all of them are completed, we will be open to accepting new commissions; but it is important to remember that the completion time for each project between start and completion takes about 2-4 months, maybe less or more than that.

Work on these commissions begin on January 9; therefore, we will probably be working on the last one which will be the FRISCO T-54 Class by the second half of 2023. I emphasize again, this is just a stipulation and may take more or less time than that.

Non-Commissions Queue:

Check out all the non-commissioned projects below that are in constant development in 2023. The team has been working on them on their own time; therefore, these are projects that we cannot set a deadline for completion of each, but just follow our updates to see some progress.

1921 Baldwin • Baltimore & Ohio • S-1 Class:

1925 Baldwin • Denver & Rio Grande • K-36 Class:

1927 Baldwin • Western Maryland • I-2 Class:

1927 Baldwin • Baltimore & Ohio • P-7 Class:

1875 Baldwin • Eureka & Palisade • 8/18-C Class:

I also want everyone to know that all machines in this queue are available for commission; this way we can prioritize the one that has been commissioned by reducing their waiting time in the queue. To learn more about commissions, contact us, we will be delighted to assist you.

We hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve, God bless you all with much health, peace, love, and prosperity.

In the coming weeks we will be back with more updates here on our Blog and also on our Facebook Page.


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We are releasing an update with some fixes and improvements for the B&O C-16 Bundle!

Some details that could suffer improvements and other corrections were observed;

We list below what has been updated:

Correction: Eccentric rod has been adjusted to the angle of the crank rod on both sides.

Improved: Internal and external whistle cord animation

Correction: Blower smoke on stack seen externally and internally

Improved: Steam particle in the whistle synchronized with triggering

Improved: All external metal textures have had the specular aspect improved

Correction: Fixed dynamo (generator) steam particle texture

If you already own this product, simply download and install this small update via the link below. But if you haven't owned it yet, rest assured that the product is already updated in our online store.

DOWNLOAD UPDATE for B&O C-16 Class Bundle for Train Simulator Classic.

Thank you all for your appreciation,


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Available now for Train Simulator Classic!

Hello everyone, once again we are very happy to be able to announce another american's steam machine pack for your Train Simulator Classic!

Our Christmas 2022 offer is a very special package of 4 exotic steam locomotives for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. These are the so-called C-16 class B&O, a type of 0-4-0ST that was built in 1912 by Baldwin Locomotive Works to supply needs on Baltimore, Maryland's "Pratt Street Line" along the Inner Harbor, and to the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania waterfront. By the workers, they were nicknamed "Little Joe" and Dockside". In the early 1950s, unfortunately none of the four C-16s existed, the last to be scrapped was the #98.

In this bundle, you will have the 4 C-16 units in the first modification version of B&O, between the years 1930-1940 that became better known. All of them are properly identified individually with the real serial number, and have the same features between them.

Open caps of water tank sand domes

Many of these features can be checked in the manual that comes with the model. To access the Manual, just install the package in your Train Simulator automatically through "Utilities" located in the main folder of your Train Simulator Classic, or by extracting the .RWP file with a program like WinRar or 7Zip. The Manual will be located in the main Train Simulator Classic folder ex: Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Manuals\EN\Machine Rail

A small illustration of B&O C-16 work in progress

All of our projects start with a very large base of information about the material we are going to work on. With the B&O C-16 it was not different, although its available technical information is very limited; we were able to dig deeper and find everything we needed to start and finish it. In the image above, you can see just a small part of the entire process.

Details, from those that are visible to those that are hidden:

Internal and external lighting:

On these machines we added a new light system, so you can be more aware in night operations! In addition to the lights inside the cab, the main headlights front and back, the auxiliary headlight below the smoke box; the B&O C-16 also features external lighting above the drive wheels.

Due to the simple fact that this machine is intended for maneuvering, its speed performance is very low, the B&O C-16s are limited to 30mph; but its traction capacity is very satisfactory, with it you will be able to pull or push a large amount of empty or loaded freight cars.

Finishing the last post of 2022, on behalf of the Machine Rail™ team, thank you very much! We had an excellent year and we believe positively that the next year will be even better, and much more productive!

We wish all our friends and customers a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year, may 2023 be a blessed year full of achievements for all of us!

The B&O C-16 Class Bundle is now available in our store with a special 35% off Christmas offer valid until the 26th of December.


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