Our entire store has a special offer for you with 50% OFF until midnight on January 1st, 2024!

This is your chance to get our products for your TSC at half price!
We're still working on the next three launches, which will take place at the very beginning of 2024! We expect this to happen within the first quarter of the year. Check out the progress of each project below:

The Western Maryland I-2 Class is still at the same point waiting its turn to be finally completed.

Here's the Pere Marquette N-1 Class in its current state, there's still a lot to be done.

The FRISCO T-54 Class is at a very advanced stage in its progress.
Remembering that this will be our next machine to be launched, it's the first in the queue of the last two commissions. The next will be the PM N-1 class and, finally, the WM I-2 class; we would very much like these next launches to take place in the first quarter of 2024, and we are working towards that.
The FRISCO T-54 is in an advanced state of progress, with almost all of its 3D mesh completed, including the interior of the cabin. In the next few weeks they will begin the export stage for TSC, which includes the creation of textures, animations, scripts, etc... This is a rather lengthy progress (much less so than creating the 3D mesh), but it can still take several weeks before everything is in perfect working order.

Take advantage of our special Christmas offer, the entire store is 50% off!

For now, that's all we have to update you on, but we'll be back very soon with more news. Taking the opportunity to write on our blog, the Machine Rail team would like to wish all your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May 2024 be a great and blessed year for everyone!
Yours sincerely,
Carlos, the owner of Machine Rail™.