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A screenshot straight from the factory:

Yes, this is the original Cooke Mogul base, and with some modifications we were able to recreate the Consolidation of the same design, introduced to Cooke in 1883 and delivered to DSP&P. A total of 20 Consolidation units were built between June and September 1883; and we particularly selected 4 units to represent in Train Simulator, containing basic differences and unique features, as was done on the Cooke Moguls.

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Updated: Aug 21, 2021

Denver, South Park & Pacific Railroad has never been so well honored in a train simulator. With this new DLC for your Train Simulator 2021+, you will be able to explore every detail of the locomotive, operate all of its basic functions, and extract performance from this machine as your train travels along the Clear Creek Narrow Gauge Route lines.

The Machine History

In the distant year of 1884, DSP&P purchased eight 2-6-0 Moguls from Cooke Locomotive Works. They were numbered 39, 40, and 69 through 74. These became #109 through 116 in 1885 and became C&S #4 through 11 in 1899. These locomotives augmented the nine Brooks 2-6-0's acquired in 1882.

DSP&P #74 was the last locomotive purchased by DSP&P. The gap in the number series was caused two orders for 2-8-0 Consolidations from Cooke and Baldwin. The Cooke Moguls had 40" drivers and 14.5x18" cylinders, so were a little snappier on the flat than the Brooks models with 38" drivers.

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