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Finally, we are extremely pleased to announce another Machine Rail™ release for your DTG Train Simulator! With the arrival and success of our Cooke's Moguls & Consolidations as a complement to the "Clear Creek" narrow gauge route; we felt the need to also build our own machine for small services, and one that will also be useful on this and other routes.

The Machine History

H.K. Porter, Inc. (Porter) manufactured light-duty railroad locomotives in the US, starting in 1866. The company became the largest producer of industrial locomotives, and built almost eight thousand of them. The last locomotive was built in 1950, but the company continues to produce industrial equipment to this day. Porter was known for building locomotives that were much smaller than those normally used by the larger Class I railroads. The company's locomotives were small enough that they were often operated by only one person.

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Right now we are working on finalizing another great Machine Rail release for Train Simulator 2021/2022 (or higher) ! For some months now, we have been working on single narrow gauge locomotives that would be useful on some existing route like the Clear Creek Narrow Gauge Route. So we released the two bundles of Cooke Moguls and Consolidations, but already thinking about the need for a smaller locomotive for shunting, or for logging services or something like that; so soon we will be releasing the Porter bundle , or "The Porter Legacy".

What's Coming?

In this new bundle you will receive six units of Porter 0-4-0ST and 0-4-2ST locomotives, each of them with their own characteristics and variations; in the picture above you see only four of them, the other two are still in our workshop receiving their final adjustments. These nice little locomotives have their own road number and a name, which we will reveal in the next release post.

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Denver, South Park & Pacific Railroad, Colorado & Southern and Denver, Leadville & Gunnison, has never been so well honored in a train simulator. With this new DLC for your 2021+ train simulator, you will be able to explore every detail of the new freight train locomotive, operate all of its basic functions, and extract the performance from this machine as your train travels along the Clear Creek Narrow Gauge Route lines.

The Machine History

Twenty types of Cooke 2-8-0 consolidations were delivered to DSP&P between June and November 1883. The first nine were numbered to fill the gap created when the older Baldwin 2-8-0 were numbered DSP&P 50 to 57 in 1880. The other eleven Cooke 2-8-0s were then numbered from DSP&P 58 to 68. They became a continuous group from #198 to 217 in the 1885 renumbering scheme and later C&S 37 to 56 in 1899. They had 36" motor-drivers and 15x18" cylinders. Most were scrapped or sold to lumber companies during the first 20 years of the C&S era.

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